We are celebrating the delivery of over 200 services to women with hair loss as a side effect to treatment for Breast Cancer. We are so grateful to the Pink Ribbon Foundation, who have been supporting our work for many years with their yearly grants program.
Together we provide specialist services by our expert hairdressers. Our services are inclusive of all hair textures, cultural needs, individual circumstances and span from young women with breast cancer to older women. Everyone is made to feel welcome.
We are the only charity who also educates NHS breast cancer nurses with our foundation courses for health care professionals. Often a nurse is the person to direct someone to our charity:
“I was told about your service by a nurse. When they told me that I could actually speak to a black specially trained hairdresser and get a free pack I couldn’t believe it. Veronica thank you, bless you all for this.” Lynette
Pictured is Veronica, one of our trained hairdressers who is part of our inclusion team is showcasing some of the inclusive range at a workshop.
Contact our team for support with hair loss as a side effect to breast cancer treatment:
FREE consultations and packs
Inclusive headwear
Afro textured fringes
Hijabs for hair loss
and much more
With thanks to the Pink Ribbon Foundation for their grant, fundraising and support.